Tutorial: Processing gravity data with Harmonica

Santiago R. Soler, Andrea Balza Morales and Agustina Pesce (2021)

Tutorial video


In this tutorial we’ll take a tour around Harmonica, a Python library for forward modelling, inversion and processing gravity data, focusing on the processing workflow. We will start with a real dataset of scattered gravity observations and finally produce a regular grid of the Bouguer gravity disturbance. We will accomplish this by following these steps:

  • Load the gravity dataset.
  • Compute gravity disturbance by removing the normal gravity through Boule.
  • Project the data to plain coordinates.
  • Load a digital elevation model (DEM) of the survey area.
  • Compute Bouguer gravity disturbance by forward modelling the topography with prisms.
  • Interpolate the Bouguer gravity disturbance onto a regular grid at a constant height through the equivalent layer technique.
  • Obtain the Bouguer gravity disturbance on a profile using the same equivalent layer.