
Pooch: A friend to fetch your data files

Santiago R. Soler (2024)

Presented at SciPy2024

Modernizing gravity processing: use the gravity disturbance

Santiago R. Soler (2024)

Organized by University of Houston

Tutorial: Introduction to SimPEG at Agrogeo24

Devin Cowan, Santiago R. Soler and Lindsey Heagy (2024)

Presented at Agrogeo24

Organized by Agrogeophysics Organizing Committee

Processing potential field data with Fatiando a Terra

Santiago R. Soler, Lu Li and Lindsey Heagy (2023)

Presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2023

Organized by American Geophysical Union

Fatiando a Terra: software libre para geofísica

Santiago R. Soler (2023)

Organized by IGeBA, Universidad Buenos Aires

Pooch: a friend to fetch your data files

Santiago R. Soler (2023)

Organized by PyCascades

Fatiando a Terra: Open-source tools for geophysics

Santiago R. Soler and Lindsey Heagy (2023)

Organized by Canadian Exploration Geophysical Society (KEGS)

Presentation at UBC-GIF Open House 2022

Santiago R. Soler (2022)

Organized by Geophysical Inversion Facility, EOAS, UBC

Fatiando a Terra: Open-source tools for geophysics

Santiago R. Soler (2022)

Organized by Geophysical Inversion Facility, EOAS, UBC

Empowering science with open-source software

Santiago R. Soler (2022)

Organized by Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, USP

Fatiando a Terra: Open-source tools for geophysics

Leonardo Uieda, Santiago R. Soler and Agustina Pesce (2021)

Organized by Geophysical Society of Houston

Gradient-boosted equivalent sources for gridding large gravity and magnetic datasets

Santiago R. Soler and Leonardo Uieda (2021)

Presented at EGU21 General Assembly

Organized by European Geoscience Union

Tutorial: Processing gravity data with Harmonica

Santiago R. Soler, Andrea Balza Morales and Agustina Pesce (2021)

Presented at Transform21

Organized by Software Underground

Herramientas Computacionales para Geociencias

Santiago R. Soler (2020)

Organized by SEG Student Chapter of Universidad del Sur

Introducción a Git

Santiago R. Soler (2020)

Organized by Geolatinas Coding Group

A better strategy for interpolating gravity and magnetic data

Santiago R. Soler and Leonardo Uieda (2020)

Presented at EGU General Assembly 2020

Experiencias en el desarrollo de Fatiando a Terra

Santiago R. Soler (2019)

Presented at Taller Argentino de Computación Científica

Gravitational field of tesseroids with variable density

Santiago R. Soler, Agustina Pesce, Mario E. Giménez and Leonardo Uieda (2019)

Presented at LAPIS2019